Day 1 of The 3 Key Dementia Do’s & Dont’s Workshop
Day 1 was all about why using logic, reason, and evidence is a mistake that all caregivers make and what to do instead to get to the root of the behavior you’re seeing.
To comment and participate, you can watch it on the group here (you’ll need access, just request that and we will approve you):
OR you can just scroll down to play the video on this page.
Being there live makes a world of difference. Have a look at what other's are saying about day 1:
Attend LIVE 3/21 for the Day 3 (Finale) at 7:30pm ET for:
A chance to win prizes
Experience/meet other caregivers in breakout rooms
Get your questions answered in real time
Watch demos LIVE
Bonus Cheatsheet!
Download your free Logic, Evidence, & Reason Cheatsheet:
Join us on zoom tonight (3/20) here:
Meeting ID: 899 1867 0249
Passcode: 040491
Day 2 (3/20) is about discovering why correcting them or doing things for them causes issues, and what to do instead. Hope you can make it tonight!