Day 1 of How To Stop The 4 Most Common Challenging Dementia Behaviors Workshop

On Day 1 we looked at identifying triggers and exactly what to say and do to prevent the 3 triggers that cause challenging behaviors, giving you the peace and freedom you deserve.

To comment and participate, you can watch it in our private community dedicated to the workshop (you’ll need access, just request that and we will approve you if you haven’t already joined):

OR you can just play the video on this page if you don’t want to participate.

Being there live makes a world of difference.  Have a look at what other's are saying about day 1:

Attend LIVE 9/18 for Day 2 and 9/19 for the Day 3 Finale at 7:30pm ET for:

  • A chance to win prizes

  • Experience/meet other caregivers in breakout rooms

  • Get your questions answered in real time

  • Watch demos LIVE

Bonus Cheatsheet!

Download your free cheatsheet, “Finding Out & Adapting To The "Why"

Behind Challenging Dementia Behaviors” (goes with our Day 1 content):

Join us on zoom tonight (9/18) here:

Meeting ID: 830 4717 1659

Passcode: 040491

Tonight is all about redirection. Learn the art of engaging your person in a different activity before their behavior explodes, so you have peace of mind in knowing how to handle a behavior before it gets too bad.