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For more free dementia puzzles and games, get access to a free Mega List of printable dementia activities and caregiver resources by joining the Adventures of a Caregiver email list.

  • Items for Showers & Hygiene

    Does your person w/ dementia refuse to shower no matter what you try?

    If so, it might be time to try something a bit easier. Here’s a list of items that might help!

  • What to Say to Stop Sundowning

    Do you dread certain times of day, knowing that sundowning is going to make challenging dementia behaviors even harder?

    If so, use this checklist to help prevent sundowning.

  • The Secret To Stopping Most Challenging Behaviors

    This is a super short guide on the ONE thing you can do that will make the biggest difference in your effectiveness as a caregiver.

Get a Win with Caregiving

At 7:30pm on Tuesday, August 27, I’ll be live on Facebook to help you use these tools with the 4 best kept secrets that experienced dementia caregivers have shared.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Eliminate common triggers: Learn how to remove the hidden stressors in your environment that virtually all new caregivers overlook, leading to a calmer, more manageable day.

  • Get them to eat without refusal: Discover simple meal adjustments that make food more appealing and reduce the struggle at mealtime.

  • End the shower struggle: Find out how a few key adjustments, like keeping them warm, can make bath time easier and stress-free.

  • I’ll be live on Facebook at 7:30 PM ET Tonight — come learn something new and share your wins from this month for a chance to get a prize at our big workshop next month!

What is possible for you with the Caregiver Wins Series is:

  • You will start to see challenging behaviors as simply another form of communication

  • Be able to better understand your person through their challenges

  • Build meaningful moments that make the challenging moments easier

  • Make this journey you are walking filled with more rewards than hardships

The goal is for you to get 1 win as a direct result of trying something you learn. I hope to see you there!