You’re Signed Up!

We’ll email you and text you reminders as the event comes up and I also just sent you an email with more details.

Please make sure you are getting my emails and check your spam folder and promotions tab if you don’t see it.

Here’s the Zoom info for the event, please save this info now just in case you don’t get our reminders:

Topic: The Top 3 Dementia Do's & Dont's Workshop

Time: The following days and times in Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Mar 21, 2023 - 07:30 PM

Mar 22, 2023 - 07:30 PM

Mar 23, 2023 - 07:30 PM

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 815 5365 8586

Passcode: 937570

For more info on the event, scroll down to read about what it will entail.

Are you overwhelmed with caregiving?

Your 3 day workshop will consist of the following…

  • Learning the top “do’s and dont’s” - the big mistakes and what to do instead for:

    • When they refuse meals, showers, or brushing their teeth.

    • When they get agitated and blame you for things.

    • When they want to leave or go home

  • Each day we will look at a common mistake, including:

    • Day 1: Assuming You Know What's Wrong or What's Best

    • Day 2: Correcting or Doing Everything For Them

    • Day 3: Using Logic, Reason or Evidence - This is the biggest mistake we all make, so you won’t want to miss day 3!

  • Roll-playing in Zoom “breakout rooms” with your fellow participants (these are private, virtual rooms with a few other participants so you can practice what you learn and get to see what other caregivers are experiencing.)

  • Get hands-on practice with Krista if you choose to volunteer. Almost everyone who raises their “virtual hand” on Zoom several times gets picked to roll play live, especially if we notice you’ve been showing up day after day!

  • Get breakthroughs & see results in the real world - 1 easy five minute action step at the end of each session (maximum results by coming to all three days, and especially the last day.)

  • Get extra help- we’ll have some follow up Q&A sessions over the weekend where you can ask questions live and get personal help with whatever is in your way so we can make sure you get results that makes your life as a caregiver better.

You will receive:

  • Free printable cheat sheets after each session to make sure you hold onto your results long term or get a reminder of what you learned in the future.

  • A chance to win prizes on the last day.

  • A community of other caregivers to bounce ideas off of, to share your wins & build friendships with by joining our event Facebook group.

  • Answered questions - I'll be making sure ALL questions get answered - if I can’t get to them during the workshop, they will be answered in follow up Q&A sessions that will be recorded, to make sure you get the help you need for your specific situation.

  • Strategies, activities, and exact things to say to prevent or calm common challenging behaviors so you get results with your person with dementia instead of wasting time and energy, allowing you to have more free time so you can experience more relief and freedom.

FAQS for Workshop

  • Days 1 & 2 are 60 minutes long and Day 3 is 90 minutes long. If you can only make one session, come to day 3.

  • You don't. However if you can only come to 1 night live, come to day 3 were we tie everything together.

  • Yes there will be if you sign up. However, if you can come live, you'll get the most results

  • You can get a lot out of watching or listening however, you'll get the most out of participating.

  • It’s completely free!

  • Yes, you can be late if you need to be.

  • Over Zoom. Once you sign up on the email form on this page, you’ll be notified by email and text with the link to join the zoom as we get closer. It’s very easy - just click the link 15 minutes before we start and follow the prompts. Zoom was made for the technology illiterate!

  • Simply by signing up for the event to get most of them. You’ll get a few bonus ones by being there live.

  • We require your phone number so we can send you text reminders. We won’t call you - we will only be sending a few text messages related to the workshop. We have found that sending reminders more than doubles the amount of caregivers who show up.

    You can respond to any text message with the word “Stop” and our system will automatically take you off our list of phone numbers.

  • The workshop takes place on 3 days: March 21 (Tuesday), March 22 (Wednesday), and March 23 (Thursday), at 7:30pm US Eastern Time each day.

    There will be a few extra live Q&A sessions over the following 5 days and an encore workshop sometime over the weekend - these dates and times will be announced as we get closer to the event. Signup on this page to be notified.

  • We will have an encore of the workshop on the weekend at an earlier time for our international audience. We will provide you with replays of the main event by Friday and will have a couple of other live Q&A sessions after the workshops as well so there’s tons of opportunities to watch everything and participate live.

    Just signup on this page and you’ll be notified of the encore & Q&A sessions as we go.

Results From Past Challenges

Workshop Finale Results